Around the world in 80 days

Ladies and gentlemen, here it is the English Theatre, enjoy!!

Do you remember the name of the characters?

Where are they from?

6 comentarios:

Georgiana dijo...

The English Theatre, was very nice!!!
I remember the characters:
Philias Fogg: He from London.
Passepot: He from France.
John Roberta: He from England.
Auda: She from India.
Chao Linchin: He from Japan.

Maria dijo...

Georgiana!!!!!! You forgot the verb!!!!!!!!
Philias Fogg: He WAS from London

Georgiana dijo...

ahhh, vale!!
lo siento mucho.

Adol dijo...

Estuvo bien entre comillas

izan ros dijo...

a mi me parecio muy gracioso passepartout

izan ros dijo...

it´s a fantastic theatre

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